Dressage Tips & Tricks


Dressage FAQs

Should I ride at official events or Members Days?

Well you can do both! We offer Club classes at all our official events – these are not official & are for SEG members only. Official days & members days are run along the same lines – check in with your Horse Health Declaration, gear check, warm up, then ride your test. At official events we have a Steward supervising the warm up area at all times. You might be sharing the area with riders & horses at a very different level to you but there is plenty of room for all.

Does my horse need a bridle number & how do I get one?

Yes all horses entered need a bridle number. This should be displayed on both sides of the saddle cloth or the bridle, or the halter when not saddled up. It is now an EA rule that horses have their bridle number on at all times.

A bridle number identifies your horse. This is essential for judging & scoring.

A horse with EA registration may have an EA bridle number which remains with them for life. If not, you will need a SEG bridle number. This will be allocated to your horse when the draw is done for an event. This number will stay with your horse for all SEG events. When you are ask for a bridle number on an event entry, just put “TBA” & wait to see the allocated number on the event draw.

Here are some tips for getting the most out of your dressage tests:


Practice your dressage tests at home, by marking out a dressage arena:


Read about the high level dressage movements: